HomeGuidesLollipop Chainsaw RePOP Platinum Trophy Guide And Achievements

Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP Platinum Trophy Guide And Achievements


  • To unlock platinum in Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP, you must achieve all achievements, including Life Guard and Aced Auto-shop Class.
  • You must play the game in a Hard mode to achieve the platinum trophy in Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP.
  • To advance towards the trophy, players need to rescue all 21 Classmates and gather all 40 Lollipop Wrappers.
  • Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP, developed and released by DRAGAMI GAMES, came out on September 12, 2024. This game is a remake of the original Lollipop Chainsaw (2012). 

    Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP is currently available for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S, while the game will also soon be available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in November 2024.

    Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP protagonist, Juliet’s move-set revolves around her cheerleading, striking with her Pom-poms and cartwheels. Players will need to complete quick time events alongside the achievements during the game.

    Unlock “Achievements” To Get Platinium Trophy In Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP

    Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP has remastered the original game and introduced new content in the form of original mode and RePOP mode.

    However, despite the changes for Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP, the achievements remain the same as its predecessor Lollipop Chainsaw.

    Sadly, the game doesn’t include hidden achievements. Some achievements unlock at later stages but remain enjoyable and challenging for players.

    Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP damage effects
    Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP action moment.

    All Difficult Achievements In Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP

    Players might find it frustrating to get achievements because they need to defeat some enemies repeatedly.

    So, here are some of the difficult achievements and how you can achieve them.

    StageNameTrophy typeRequirement
    Prologue, ParkingLife GuardBronzeThere are 3 classmates that can be saved during the prologue – the first two can’t be missed as they’re necessary for advancing the story, you need to keep the 3rd classmate alive.
    Unclean and UncoolBronzeDefeat Hazmat (you can kill Jerry in one hit by activating star soul mode)
    Stage 1, HighschoolWatch Out For The BallsBronzeDodge & Counter Zed’s Electric Balls 15 times. Be careful not to hit zed since if he hits 0, you’ll finish him
    Zed’s Dead, Baby, Zed’s DeadBronzeDefeat Zed. Attack the speakers he is standing on. He will summon a final speaker which needs to be destroyed. He will summon 2 electricity balls which u will need to dodge, and u can hit him with it by standing close to Zed. You will need to kill Zed 3 times to obtain the trophy.
    Stage 2, StadiumGo, Medal Racer, Go!BronzePick up all the Zombie medals on the rooftop with chainsaw dash
    Gunn StruckBronzeStruck by lightning 10 times. Get struck by lightning a few times during every run of the level rather than dying repeatedly.
    Cheerleader Overboard!BronzeSucceed in QuickTime event at edge of Vikke’s ship. Get kicked overboard the ship and complete the QuickTime event to get back on the ship.
     Viking Metal Rules!BronzeDefeat Vikke. Vikke moves slowly and leaves himself open after every attack. Use chainsaw stab to damage him at every possible opportunity.
    Stage 3, O’Bannon Farm Legendary harvesterBronzeHarvest all crops in the 1st field with combine in stage 3. it can only be obtained in the 1st minigame so be careful not to kill all zombies.
     Third EyeBronzeDodge all balloon attack in Mariska battle. Aiming at Mariska and constantly moving in one direction will make you near impossible to hit.
     Dirty HippyBronzeDefeat Mariska. You will need to kill Mariska 3 times to obtain the trophy, if you take too long to finish her, her health will regenerate.
    Stage 4, Fulci Fun Center No Fear Of HeightsBronzeBeat the Gonola Game without shooting. et to the top of the building while avoiding everything the zombies and UFOs throw at you.
     Critical UFO FinishBronzeFunk Josey in the last 10 seconds. You will need to wait until the timer has around 14 seconds left before starting the QuickTime event that will execute Josey.
     Disco’s DeadBronzeDefeat Josey. Josey needs to be killed 2 times to obtain the trophy.
    Stage 5, Cathedral Little Sisters Are the Worst!BronzeDo not get hit by Rosalind’s wrecking ball. You will need to fight her twice without being hit to win this trophy
     Elephant TamerBronzeCounter Lewis’ attack 10 times. Completing the QuickTime event when he gets close will knock him off his bike and give you one ‘counter’ towards this trophy. Repeat 10 times
     Rock’n Roll Isn’t Here AnymoreBronzeDefeat Lewis LEGEND. You will face Lewis in 4 stages. He’ll finally be dead after stage 4 unlocking the trophy.
    Stage 6, KillabillyAced Auto-shop ClassBronzeClear all the kill Car QuickTime events without failing or getting hit by the cars by Killabilly.
     FingeredBronzerepeatedly use chainsaw attacks on Killabilly on his hands to cut off 20 fingers during Killabilly’s fight. Dying will result in loss of progress.
     I Came, I Saw, I Kicked Its AssBronzeDefeat Killabilly, the final boss. His weak spots are his bright red eyes, shoot off his glasses and attack them. Complete several QuickTime events during the fights.

    Moreover, the achievement titled ‘I Swear! I Did it by Mistake!’ is often one of the first achievements many gamers tend to ‘accidentally’ unlock. 

    After completing all achievements and saving all 21 classmates, you will get the achievement “Congratulations! Happy Birthday!” the gold trophy. Failing to save even one classmate will result in the achievement of “Horrid Birthday.”

    Once you unlock all the achievements and complete the requirements like saving 21 friends and collecting wrappers, you will obtain the Platinium trophy.

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