- Complete Chapter 1 of the Lana Lord Quest and take the first sleigh in Chapter 2 to reach the fountain area.
- Type the code PALINGENESIA in all capital letters at the fountain to receive the mystery badge.
- Exit and rejoin the game, then head right at the train station to unlock the Greek Temple area.
The Fountain Quest in Dress to Impress is an exciting part of Chapter 2 in the Lana Lord Quest.
Players solve a hidden code to unlock a badge and access a secret Greek Temple area.
This quest adds new story details and a beautiful location to explore, making it a fun and memorable challenge.
Reaching The Fountain In Chapter 2
To begin, you must complete Chapter 1 of the Lana Lord Quest. If you haven’t yet finished it, refer to the tutorial provided in the game’s description.
Once Chapter 1 is complete, you can move on to Chapter 2. In this chapter, you will come across three sleighs. To reach the Fountain, take the first sleigh.
After a brief cutscene, you will arrive in a large room with a fountain at its center, which is where you need to enter the code.
Entering The Fountain Code
Once you reach the Fountain area, approach the fountain and type in the code PALINGENESIA using all capital letters.
After entering the code, press Enter. You will immediately receive the mystery badge as a reward for solving the code. This unlocks the next step of the quest.
Unlocking The Greek Temple Area
After obtaining the badge, exit the game and then rejoin. You will respawn in Wintertown.
From there, walk toward the train station, but instead of boarding the train, take a right turn. Follow the path, and it will unlock access to a hidden area.
This path will lead you directly to the Greek Temple, a stunning new location added in the update.
Exploring The Greek Temple
The Greek Temple area features detailed visuals, including statues, reindeer, and mysterious cutscenes that add depth to the story.
While there are no specific challenges or tasks to complete here, the immersive environment and hidden dialogues make this location worth exploring.
The cutscenes reveal intriguing story elements, making the temple an exciting part of the update.