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Photos Automatically Copying Themselves!!!

Sun Sep 13, 2020 2:19 am

I've encountered an issue with photos duplicating themselves in a Producer collected IMAGE file. Suddenly I'll notice that a second, third, or fourth version of the same photo presents itself...each time adding an _ and three zeroes. ( _000.jpg ). If would be less concerning if I could simply delete them but Producer uses the newest version versus the original version that was loaded into the show. Since the only photo I would want in my system would be the original with the shortest file name, I will at minimum be doubling the number of any affected photos in my system (the original [photo.jpg] and e.g. [photo_000_000_000.jpg] ). I'm sure I'm not alone in this with Windows 10 users. Has anyone determined what is causing this annoyance? Thanks.

Re: Photos Automatically Copying Themselves!!!

Sun Sep 13, 2020 6:11 pm

There is no issue in Producer with pictures duplicating themselves.
If you see duplicates (or more) in the collected show files, it means that the same picture was used several times in the show, and each time it came from a different location on your computer (the path of the image file is different in each case). Could be that you used styles that included the same picture, or a template that duplicated, or other reasons.

The simplest way to solve this issue is to edit the psh file (the show file), which is just a text file that tells Producer what to do.
Make a copy of your psh file, and rename it with the extension .txt (instead of psh).
Open this .txt file with Notepad, and simply REPLACE all occurrences. Where-ever you find more copies named -000 or -0001 or 0002 REPLACE it with whatever you want, or with an empty space (just write nothing in the replace space.
When you are done with this editing in Notepad, you can change back the name of the file .txt to .psh, and open the new show in Producer.

Hope this helps.

Re: Photos Automatically Copying Themselves!!!

Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:30 am

This problem can occur when you “collect show files” under the “Tools” menu.
You can fix the problem by selecting “overwrite existing files” under the “copy to folder” section.
This has happened to me, too.

Note: I have ProShow Producer 8.0. The above might be different in a different version.


Re: Photos Automatically Copying Themselves!!!

Mon Sep 14, 2020 6:38 pm

dsprincis wrote:This problem can occur when you “collect show files” under the “Tools” menu.
You can fix the problem by selecting “overwrite existing files” under the “copy to folder” section.
This has happened to me, too.
Note: I have ProShow Producer 8.0. The above might be different in a different version.

I forgot all about "Overwrite existing files"
But, can it be that you collected the files of that show several times?
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