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Modifiers Vol. 5

Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:23 pm

I revist Modifiers in the Volume 5 tutorial. It's been many months since my set of Modifier tutorials where I tried to lift the veil of how they work. Due to an inline update of Version 4, all the stuff I was trying to show you is now inside the program itself and it really makes Modifiers something worth looking at. (Did they watch my tuts and decide it was a good idea? :lol: )

In this tutorial we'll see this new interface in action as I show you how I used a Modifier in a Slide Style I created. It's 22 minutes long but it should be informative and go by quicker than it sounds. Enjoy.

Click here to view tutorial at MyCityPhotoGuide.com

Re: Modifiers Vol. 5

Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:41 pm

Hello Rick,

This tutorial is the clearest tutorial in understanding how the modifiers work and why you use them. Thank you very much. I believe you have changed your style of delivery in the last three tutorials. To me, they are much easier now to grasp what you are trying to convery thru your tutorials.

Thanks for sharing your understanding of producer's ins and outs.

I am happy to look forward to your tutorials.

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