Anyone have a blog?

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teli-vision productions

Anyone have a blog?

Postby teli-vision productions » Wed Jul 26, 2006 6:45 pm

I have been reading up on the benefits...but not sure it would be worth our while, as we are only a slideshow company, not photographers.

If you DO have one, not a personal one, but one geared towards your business, would you mind sharing?


Postby sumgrl19 » Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:35 pm

I don't personally have a blog on my business website, but I am now thinking about it. I think that it would actually be a really good idea. I am not sure all that you would write about...maybe specials or something :)

I was looking around on the internet for some information and came across this:

A business blog will enhance your visitor stats, as many people will return daily to read your posts.
You will get a boost in the search engines, as a direct result of the continually fresh keyword rich content. Since your posts will play off the themes of your site, you will get extra punch in the search rankings. The added keywords will go far in getting your site ranked for minor, but still helpful and profitable searches.
The added links, from other bloggers, will also help in the search engines. Since most incoming blog links arrive, from bloggers with similar themes to yours, they will help you rank well through relevance.

There were a few free blog providers listed: Blogger, WordPress, MoveableType

I hope this helps. Let me know if you do the whole blog thing...I might do it myself!



Postby RTexasrose » Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:27 am

Here is mine, it is pretty new:

Can you add PSG shows to blogs?


Postby Ron_M » Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:16 am

Love your site and love the way you've done the b&w photos.

RTexasrose wrote:Here is mine, it is pretty new:

Can you add PSG shows to blogs?

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