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Adding a caption but in a shape

Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:28 am

I am a new user to ProShow Gold 5. I would like to add some captions to my slides, and found out how in the manual, but would like the captions to be in a "box" the shape of an old fashion movie theater ticket. Is there an easy way of doing this?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Adding a caption but in a shape

Tue Jul 09, 2013 5:58 am

Just add a caption. Then, add hard returns and/or spaces, change the typeface and size as necessary. Then it's a case of adjusting the caption's position over your graphic.

As for the "shape" in which to put the caption, you will need to import a graphic that you will put the caption on top of.
Captions are ALWAYS above the graphic/image layers. You just position the caption and resize it as necessary to make it appear as if the caption is within the box.

Another way, is to resort to a graphical method. You'll have create your caption in a bitmap editor or put the text onto the shape graphic and then import the resulting graphic.

Producer and Gold provide few options for captions. Producer's options are much better than Gold's options but are still woefully limited. So, we have to use other applications for the more interesting captions.


Re: Adding a caption but in a shape

Tue Jul 09, 2013 9:58 am

Hi Brian,

Following a cinematic theme, an alternative might be to use a related dingbat font to insert graphic elements to pull the theme together and selectively sprinkle them here and there where necessary.

Found these with a Google search for "movie ticket dingbat font"
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