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Style with multiple images appearing sequentially?

Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:43 am

The image example below consists of a background image with subsequent smaller images (two in this example) which appear sequentially at intervals on top of the background image. I can do this (easily) with multiple slides in PSG. However, I have been surprised that I can't find any existing slide style which implements anything similar to this. To make this repeatable in PSG, I could create a slide style with all the image placeholders present, create the final slide each time, duplicate and delete some layers each time.

I assume with PSP that this could all be setup as a single slide. Does anything like that exist? I am assuming somebody else has done a prettier version :)




Re: Style with multiple images appearing sequentially?

Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:12 am

I assume with PSP that this could all be setup as a single slide.

You assume correctly. It's done with keyframing, which Gold doesn't have, and so your only choice is to do it as you described. If you use this effect periodically, create a style for it so it'll be handy. :D

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