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Creating style slides

Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:58 pm

Can I create my own style slides in Gold? Or do I need to have Prducer to do that?

If I can is there a tutorial available on that?

Thank you very much

Re: Creating style slides

Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:46 pm

Sure you can do that pretty easy.

-- Get the slide arranged the way you want it--layers, motion, etc.
-- Select it then select the Styles icon
-- There's a Create button there that will save that slide as a style

The options on the create style menu and its tabs are fairly straightforward to understand, the big one to be careful of is the option to include those specific images in the style--it's noted in the Tip on that dialog. You'd want that if you, for instance, had a background layer you wanted to keep but usually you'd want it to be replaced (which as the tip explains is selected on the layers tab for the slide style). There are lots of other options you can use here but most of them will set themselves to whatever you did with the slide layers for motion/zoom/pan etc.

Best way to figure it out is to do a few simple one, two and several layer slides then save them as styles (you can always delete these later if you want). That way you'll begin to see what you can do, and it's a lot.


Re: Creating style slides

Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:09 am

...don't forget to either check or uncheck "replacable image" for any layer you may want to keep with your style. For example, your photos will most likely be checked as replacable..you want that to be a marker where you can add a new photo. But, you may have an image in the background that you want to keep with the style. That should be unchecked.


Re: Creating style slides

Mon Jun 08, 2009 9:45 am

Thanks for the help. I am very grateful.

Re: Creating style slides

Mon Jun 08, 2009 7:55 pm

Note that this discussion applies only to those using Version 4 of PSG.
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